Yoga Inbound Course Certification Requirements
200 hours of Teacher Training
- 100 Learning Asthanga Yoga
- 45 Hours of completing your assignments from your Yoga Inbound workbook at home
- 55 Assisting or teaching a yoga class
1. Assist a Senior Instructor
Assist a senior instructor(s) by giving physical adjustments to the students and answering their questions before and after class.
2. Observe Classes
Attend classes taught by others teachers six times a week (a minimum of three times is required) and observe their teaching style
3. Teach an Asthanga Yoga Class
Teach a Yoga Inbound routine beginners' class
4. Written Assignments
Personal Essay: An essay of your personal experience with yoga.
Journal/Practice Log:
A. Tracking Your Daily Practice: Keep a journal/log of what you are learning. It is required that you conduct yoga six day a week throughout the entire program.
B. Record What You Observe: It is required that you observe at least three yoga classes per week and record personal notes for your assignments given to you in your teacher training workbook.
C. Written Assignments From Your Teacher Training Workbook:
1. Ujayi breathing
2. The 3 Bandhas: Mula, Uddiyana, and Jalandhara
3. Script for Sun Salutations A & B
4. The Standing Series
5. The Seated Series
6. The Ending Series
7. Compose a short essay on the principles that you intend to uphold as you teach Asthanga Yoga.
5. Final Exams
A. Memorize the Sanskrit names of all the Asanas
B. Written essay based on questions given in the teacher training workbook
Contact Us for further information
Last Updated May 2, 2006